Monday, October 24, 2022

Surround yourself with happiness...

People used to ask me how I trained employees to smile. I always told them “I didn’t; they smiled in their interviews, so I hired them.


·      Smiles 

·      Come naturally

·      For happy people.

·      Make it your job to 

·      Hire only happy people.


That’s the idea behind hiring for attitude. When you hire the right people, everyone benefits: your other employees, the supervisors who manage them, your customers, and your bottom line. It creates a great work environment and supports a great culture. Those are the things that people look for: they promote loyalty and retention. I used to tell the applicants I hired that the decision was based on the smiles I saw in the interview; I’d then tell that that since they smiled then, I expected them to smile while working. And when they didn’t smile, I wanted to know why – which created an opportunity to coach them. Know the behaviors you want from your employees, be clear about that with them, and give them the training and support needed to promote those behaviors. When employees know the importance of smiles, it’s often difficult for them to stop smiling. Do what it takes to make your employees smile today.


James Baldwin (1924 – 1987): American writer of essays, novels, plays, and poems.

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