Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Open your heart...

After suffering from depression mid-way through my career, I learned (the hard way) what it’s like (and what to do) when the chips are down.


·      Dealing with those

·      Who suffer from depression

·      Is almost as hard as dealing with

·      Your own depression. It’s a matter 

·      Of being aware of yourself and others.


More people than not have stories about their own bouts with depression. Because it’s difficult to deal with that all by yourself, it’s wise to be open to letting others help you. But for too long depression wasn’t something we talked about at work – after all, people were supposed to leave their problems at the door and focus on their work. But if you’ve been there, it’s hard to focus on much else when you’re depressed; it’s like every glass is half empty and leaking. In many ways this became acute during the pandemic and that, combined with the public discussion about emotional intelligence, has finally raised the general awareness of this topic. When your chips are down, talk about it, don’t try to hide it, and get help. If someone around you is down, be aware, recognize the signs, and learn how and what to offer. When one of us is down, all of us are affected; give those in need a helping hand. That’s the right thing to do today.


Zadie Smith (born 1975): English novelist, essayist, short-story writer, singer, and educator (NYU).

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