Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Don't stop trying...

Most creative people I know (or have read about) try out their ideas many times before getting them right. In this, there is no shame in failure, only in stopping when you fail.


·      Ideas

·      Start small.

·      The best ones

·      Take time to get right.

·      Don’t stop until you succeed.


I made a fool of myself repeatedly when trying to create a paperless HR environment. Back then, nobody knew or understood the concept of paperless. I checked with Xerox, and they told me they were in the paper copying business. And Microsoft was busy building Windows. So, I found someone at Kodak who tried to store the captured images (of applications) but they weren’t able to do that in volume (we tried and discovered that at Treasure Island for it’s original 65,000 applications). I repeatedly learned what wouldn’t work. I kept at it and a guy I met in Phoenix was representing a startup company that wanted to do this but needed someone like us to test it out on. That company was FileNet and together we found a way to index and store large numbers of documents. And then client server software was created and we found a product called Jet Forms to capture applicant data directly into a database. All of this took more than 8 years to figure out, but I never lost interest in solving these file storage problems. I’m no genius, just a guy with a problem that needed solving and the perseverance to keep at it. Don’t stop trying to solve your problems today.


Gwen Stefani (born 1969): American singer-songwriter, fashion designer and actress.

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