Thursday, March 30, 2023

Listen to people's stories...

Storytelling is a powerful way to convey messages. Even better when it’s done with passion.


·      You can read a book

·      Or listen to it as a story.

·      The best messaging is done

·      Through passionate story telling.


We had a great Employee of the Month program that led to an annual Employee of the Year banquet. Managers were tasked with identifying qualified honorees who they would present at the monthly luncheons. They told of the employees and their attributes, but after a while it seemed to get stale. And then we asked employees to tell us stories about something great that they did and suddenly the presentations were full of authenticity and passion. We transitioned the program from recognition to storytelling and found not only great stories but in many cases the makings of future leaders. The stories were told initially in pre-shift meetings and the managers referred the best of them to compete for monthly and annual recognition awards; the program inspired others to look for great service opportunities from which to tell their own stories. It reinvigorated our recognition ideas and programs and inspired more outstanding service and stories. A win-win for everyone. Ask your employees for their stories today.


Deepak Chopra (born 1946): Indian American author, alternative medicine advocate, an prominent figure in the New Age movement.

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