Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Don't lose heart...

People often need help getting through the tough times they face. That’s when leaders must be at their very best.


·      It’s easy to lose heart

·      When things look bleak.

·      That’s when leaders must be

·      Effective coaches and motivators.


Over the years I’ve hired many teams that were tasked with opening casinos and hotels. While that sounds like a great experience, I know how much time and energy it takes. Never ending tasks, always a lot to do today and still more to do tomorrow. It can take up to a year to put a plan together and execute it, to hire and train everyone, and prepare for opening day. And when that day arrives, it’s not the end but rather the beginning of making it all work for the guests. I’ve seen people lose heart right about then, but anything worth doing is worth seeing through. When the road ahead seems its darkest is when managers must become leaders, listening to their employees, encouraging them to pace themselves, inspiring them to hang in there, and motivating them to wait for the exhilaration that comes at the end of the hard work. This is as true for big openings as it is for regular projects. Be aware of how your employee are doing and help them find the light at the end of whatever tunnel they may be in today.


John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892 – 1973): English writer and philologist (the study of language). He was the author of the high fantasy works The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

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