Monday, March 27, 2023

Let your passion shine through in all that you do...

If you don’t love what you do, don’t do it. If you must do it, anyway, change it in ways to make it something you love.


·      Passion for what you do

·      Comes through in all you do.

·      It shows in your dedication and 

·      It flows through to your customers.


People know it when someone loves their work – it shows in their faces, their voices, their actions, and their work. We often tell employee to smile and make eye contact – they’ll do that gladly if they love what they do and, conversely, it comes across as forced or fake if they don’t. Before you start trying to teach customer service, make sure your employees are happy and passionate about their work – again, if it’s forced, it’s phony, and customers will feel that. Make sure you hire the right people, talk to them about their interests and the requirements of the job, and make sure it’s a match that’ll put some sparkle in their eyes. Talk to them continually throughout onboarding, listen to what they tell you, and watch them perform. Coach them and compliment them when the passion comes through and move them to something else if it doesn’t. Great employees are great because of their passion. Make sure they have that today.


Martha Graham (1894 – 1991): American modern dancer and choreographer whose style reshaped American dance and is still taught worldwide.

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