Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Keep on learning...

Learning to ride a bike is one of those experiences you never forget – it seems so hard at first, and then suddenly you get the knack and away you go. 


·      Like many things in life,

·      Riding a bike takes time to learn.

·      And time to practice before you get it.

·      But then you remember it for the rest of your life.


Remember your first ride: your parents finally let go and you wobble into a bush. And then you manage to figure out how to steady it while you glide. And after a few more tries you learn to keep your balance and keep moving. Learning a job is like that – gaining skills slowly while building your confidence and improving as you keep moving. As a manager, recall learning to ride a bike when teaching your new employees how to get started on a new job or project. Be as engaged and supportive as your parents were when they held on to the back of your seat before letting you go. Don’t let go too soon and remember to keep coaching and give encouragement while they are learning. And when they finally get it, give a big cheer. Help your employees keep their balance while learning to figure things out today.


Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955): German-born theoretical physicist, widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest and most influential physicists of all time.

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