Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Plan for your future...

Creating a strategic plan is anything but easy the first time a company does it. Leaders must first learn how and why to change from focusing solely on their respective daily operational duties and to begin thinking strategically about future company-wide strategies: getting things done every day within their own organizational silos is often easier and more comfortable than planning with others about what and if things need to be done in the future. They then must create Mission and Vision Statements which explain the company’s overall purpose and direction. When expressed clearly and concisely, these can motivate their team, and the organization, with an inspiring vision of the future. Once they have these, they can begin to plan the strategies and timelines needed to get there. And while it might be easier to engage consultants to tell a company’s leaders what these things are, it’s better that they personally engage in making these decisions themselves because, as with most things in life, you don’t get anything good without planning, commitment, hard work, persistence, teamwork, and openness. Consultants can facilitate this process, but it’s best when the organization’s leaders own it – meaning they accept the authority, responsibility, and accountability for developing and implementing their strategic plan. That’s how great strategic plans are created today.


Grace Kelly (1929 – 1982): Successful and popular American film actress who became Princess of Monaco by marrying Prince Rainier III


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