Thursday, August 19, 2021

Keep things in perspective...

Good work is often its own reward … and that shouldn’t change you. But when everyone starts telling you how good you are it can go to your head in not so good ways.  Back in the day, the applicant tracking and paperless HR systems that my team and I pioneered were both challenging and rewarding. Challenging because we were working in uncharted territory; and rewarding because those creative ideas worked as planned. But life and work go on, and the accolades, speeches, presentations, and being featured in professional publications can be distracting … in times like that, effective bosses help their employees keep things in perspective. Whether your creativity is groundbreaking or simply applied to everything you do, that extra effort and attention to detail should be celebrated by both the people working on them as well as those enjoying their benefits. Back then, we were creative because our culture valued creativity and encouraged us to take well-calculated risks.  Your culture should encourage employees to dream, think “outside the box”, and take well-calculated risks. Listen and coach them throughout the creative process, celebrate all the big and little successes, and help your people keep things in proper perspective. Let good work go to people’s reputation and not their heads today.


Whitney Houston (1963 – 2012): American singer and actress. She is one of the best-selling music artists of all time, with sales of over 200 million records worldwide.

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