Friday, August 6, 2021

Pitch in...


The past 18 months of this Covid-19 pandemic has been a crisis that’s made us forget about all previous ones; in reality, crises are common occurrences in business and each, big or small, is a challenge. Even the ups and downs of a somewhat normal day at work has its share of mini-crises and people at all levels of an organization must deal with them. In each, steady leadership is essential to provide the vision and guidance everyone needs to get by. During my career we had our share of them –deaths, fires, hurricanes, environmental emergencies, floods, robberies, and more were but a few, and in every instance, there was a plan to guide us through. The unpredictability of emergencies can be unsettling … more reason again for a steady hand. And once there was that beacon to work by, those plans were implemented by employees who rolled up their sleeves and got the job done. Meaning working together as a team without gossip or slacking, knowing what to do and keeping at it until the work is finished. We supported them by setting up command centers that were points of contact and information for everyone: timely and clear communication helps steady the nervousness that happens naturally in times of uncertainty. Be calm and clear and help your team get through whatever happens today.


Les Hiscoe: American businessman who is President and CEO of the Shawmut Design and Construction company

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