Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Facilitate forgiveness.

There are good times and bad when you work with others. Good times come from the comradery found in shared goals and seeing things through together. Bad times can happen when feelings are hurt by things someone says or does. In the latter instance, people need to clear the air so they can continue working; unfortunately, that’s sometimes easier said than done and the longer hurt feelings are allowed to remain, the harder they are to resolve. We’ve all known people who can never admit a misstep, misspoken word, or mistake, and others who know the importance of apologies and forgiveness. But if people don’t have it in them to apologize, the damage it does to the team and its individual members can be painful to watch or live through. I bet you’ve been there – I know I have. And even though it’s hard to say I’m sorry, it’s the right thing to do … for you and those you work with. Because if you haven’t any charity or forgiveness in your heart, you’ll have the worst kind of trouble – heart or otherwise. Lingering hurt feelings and disrespect go right to the heart of performance, productivity, and the work environment. Whether through policy enforcement or coaching, leaders need to assist in resolving issues like these. Admit your mistakes or forgive those of others and move beyond them today.


Leslie Townes "Bob" Hope (1903 – 2003): British-American stand-up comedian, vaudevillian, actor, singer, dancer, athlete, and author 

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