Friday, August 27, 2021

Trust your inner voice...

When I was a little boy, my mother always encouraged me to answer questions and speak freely: that advice has served me well. And it’s the kind of advice managers need to give their employees, encouraging them to speak up when they have ideas about improving work. Everyone has a voice inside their head that’s carrying on a conversation about what they see and feel, and if they have something good or constructive to say, managers should create a trusting and respectful environment where they can do so without fear. Everyone likes to be heard: be alert for employees who look like they have something to say and encourage them to speak up, thank them when they do, and celebrate the good ideas they generate. Those voices can carry individuals and teams to higher levels of engagement, commitment, and performance – the dialogue this creates can be the heartbeat of your team or organization. But it won’t happen on its own – be like my mother and nurture, encourage and appreciate all the voices that join in the discussions you and your employees have. I know how often my voice has carried me through life, and suspect you do to.  So listen carefully to the voices within your team today.


Nanci Griffith (1953 – 2021): American singer, guitarist, and songwriter

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