Thursday, August 12, 2021

Inspiration matters...

I know lots of people who get so excited about the projects they’re working on that they feel little need for sleep: successful people are like that. 3 or 4 hours and they’re good to go. Especially now, after hanging around for more than a year, interacting mostly on Zoom, missing the feel of being there. It’s weird getting back into it: I’m on the road this week and next and meeting with clients; sleeping in hotels and trying to get back into my non- Covid-related routines. I’m a little out of shape (workwise), but up at 6am just the same; no alarm needed because being back in the game wakes me. It’s always been that way for me: the challenges and excitement of opening hotels, designing computer programs to improve efficiencies, coming up with creative recruiting strategies to win the war for talent, and inspiring employees to want to do and be more gets me up and going each day. Work is work unless you make it more, accepting its challenges and letting them inspire you; letting that keep you sharp and on top of your game. Being inspired like that rubs off on others, making work fun and worth waking up for everyone. That’s how we all want work to be today


Ray Bradbury (born 1920): American fantasy, horror, science fiction and mystery writer

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