Monday, August 30, 2021

Make a difference...

When we start a new job, most of us wonder if we will ever make a difference. Those first few days present a perfect opportunity for managers to warmly welcome their new recruits and let them know that they can make a difference. That’s the best way to win over employees and create a company and team they’ll want to be loyal to. It’s not rocket science: good communication and coaching skills are essential to building trust and loyalty.  Especially now in this post-pandemic time, when employees are skeptical about returning to work or staying with an employer: this little extra effort can pay huge dividends. Make the most of your on-boarding process: make new employees feel welcome and part of your team, show them how to do their job and be successful, coach them when improvement is needed, catch them doing things right, and celebrate their achievements. Encourage them to be engaged with others and to let you know if they see areas for improvement; show them by your actions that no one is too small to matter and that everyone can make a difference. That’s how to nurture their trust, respect, and loyalty, and to make a difference in someone’s life today.


Madeleine L'Engle Camp (1918 – 2007): American writer of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and young adult fiction

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