Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Step up your game...

The world is struggling to re-open and air travel is big part of that. My niece traveled on American Airlines (AA) last week and told of crowded gates, full planes, and stressed out airline staff and customers. Alternatively, my daughter flew yesterday on Southwest Airlines (Southwest) and claimed it was professional and reassuring: they relocated their gates away from potentially crowded walkways, boarded in small groups to insure clear jetways and aisles, and the gate and cabin crews teamed up to successfully reinforce safety in their trademark upbeat style. Two different carriers and two different experiences, proving that seemingly vexing re-opening challenges can be overcome by creativity and teamwork. Leaders can’t take a half-hearted swing at these problems: they must advocate the right kinds of solutions, communicate effectively to all of their stakeholders, train and motivate their employees to work together to sell these solutions to their customers with commitment and passion, and stress the importance of teamwork and collaboration.   AA, in the first example (above), failed in their efforts and their business and reputation will possibly suffer from that; Southwest, in the second, pulled it off and will most likely continue outpacing their competition. Use teamwork and collaboration to help your company achieve its re-opening goals today.


Mattie Stepanek (1990-2004): Poet

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