Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Don't take unnecessary chances...

“Luck is a very thin wire between survival and disaster, and not many people can keep their balance on it.” Hunter S. Thompson


I know a bit about luck. I was a keen observer of it for many years while working in the gaming industry: the odds there are always in the house’s favor. With Covid-19, however, luck is a very thin wire between survival and disaster, and a growing number of people seem unable to be keep their balance on it. The CDC just reported that they now know that this virus can be transmitted simply by talking around other people (in addition to the previously reported sneezing and coughing). Given that, the odds related to drawing cards, spinning a ball or shooting dice are much different than taking your chance in a crowd without a mask. In casino games, you might lose your money; in a match-up with the virus, you stand to lose your health or life, or those of people you love. Is it worth it? I respect that each person has their own opinion, but as a leader in business, you have to consider the odds… and err on the side of safety, not luck. Continue to diligently enforce all recommended safety precautions – don’t take any unnecessary chances and have your luck run out today.


Hunter Stockton Thompson (1937 – 2005): American journalist and author, and the founder of the gonzo journalism movement

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