Friday, July 10, 2020

Figure out what's right...

These days, it's difficult to figure out what to do in the face of this pandemic: is it right to isolate people or let them out to do what they wish; Or is it right to close businesses and keep people out of work or open the economy and let nature run its course? Each of those choices is an either/or proposition. But as with most things, the middle ground – one that requires collaboration – can be a reasonable compromise. In matters of life or death, which is true of Covid-19, reasonable people should opt for life; business leaders should opt for that also. That might not satisfy everyone, but it will certainly provide a path for businesses to reopen, people to go back to work, employees and customers to be protected, and this virus to be contained to a practicable degree. Figuring this out means listening to the science: wear masks and practice social distancing. The key is collaborating and creating a win-win for everyone. Know and do the right things today.  (Sorry if I again sound like a broken record.)


Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908 – 1973:  American politician (commonly referred to by his initials LBJ) who served as the 36th president of the United States from 1963 to 1969

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