Monday, July 13, 2020

Be a team player...

I started writing these daily messages 12 years ago, all about corporate values and personal experiences: since Covid-19 hit, I’ve focused these on the leadership challenges related to this pandemic.  Had I not switched my focus to the virus, this week would have been dedicated to teamwork, a value that seemingly applies to both the virus and teamwork.  Because it’s becoming more and more apparent that teamwork is what it’s going to take to stop this from spreading. Whatever you think, this is a nasty virus that can be fatal – more than 130,000 Americans have died since March. If you don’t think that’s a lot, would you have wanted one of them to be someone in your family? Or a friend? Or a colleague? It may not have affected many in your neck of the woods, but there’s no denying what’s happening in Florida: everyone there wanted to go out, and yesterday they set a one day record of 15,200 new cases.  And it’s the same in more than 35 other states: like it or not, we’re all in this together. The only game plan that matters now for Team USA is to wear masks and practice social distancing. Those should be your team’s marching orders today.


Ted Danson (born 1947): Actor, Producer


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