Wednesday, July 29, 2020

No need to be coy, Roy...

The Native American casinos in Oklahoma re-opened last month with policies that required masks and social distancing and their loyal customers rewarded that wise move with record business. Delta Airlines and Southwest Air committed to leaving the middle seats open and their loyal customers thanked them with their travel purchases. Walmart, CVS, Home Depot, Kroger, and many other retailers risked the ire of their customers with stringent safety policies and were rewarded with robust sales. And even though the media has focused on those bars and beaches that didn’t enforce safe practices, the majority of small businesses did what was right in order to re-open… and their loyal customers rewarded them with their business. Leaders, consumers, and individuals all have choices and the best thing they all can do right now is to put humanity above the almighty dollar. To limit their business, to practice restraint, to put others first. Now is not the time to hold back from making these tough choices… because they’re the right ones. They’re the surest and swiftest way out of this pandemic today.


Adam Zeitsiff: President and CEO of Gold's Gym

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