Monday, July 6, 2020

Make up your own mind...


These days, there are a lot of people professing to know what’s right: that can make it hard for the rest of us to know what to do. I learned a long time ago that it’s unwise to make up your mind too quickly and, once you do, to be humble enough to know when that might be wrong. We all make choices based on many things – not the least of which is believing the people we like: that can make thinking or acting differently uncomfortable. Leaders should weigh all the facts and issues before deciding what’s the best course of action to take and then communicate their decisions clearly and unequivocally: people relying on them are owed that diligence.  This pandemic has been going on for 4 months: in that time, there have been several often contradictory instructions on the need to wear masks. The number of new cases now exploding around the country seem to support the need to do so. No matter what you’ve believed in these past, now seems to be the time to decide (and, in some cases, swallow your pride) and put on a mask for your own health and safety or, if you’re not particularly worried about that, then for the health and safety of those around you.  In my humble opinion, that seems to be the right thing to do today.


Confucius (551-479): Philosopher

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