Thursday, February 1, 2018

It's up to you....

“Stand in your own two shoes.” Scott McCleod

Seven years ago, a friend asked me to help him start a shoe company: wanted me to be there full time and rented an apartment for us in Brooklyn. We were in Laguna Beach at the time and the prospect of living in NYC and helping with another startup sounded cool.  Long story short, that enterprise failed (a story for another time) and we were potentially left stranded in the Big City: I could have been really bummed out but decided to take control of the situation.  I found another client there and spent another year there learning about the health industry and enjoying all that NYC had to offer: riding subways, sampling great restaurants in Brooklyn, taking the train to our home in the Adirondacks, and getting to experience life in that great city. When s**t happens, we either suffer because of it or learn to make the most of it: life really is what we make it. When life throws you a curve, stand in your own two shoes, own the moment, and make the most of it. Be responsible for what you want to be today.

T. Scott McLeod: American Author

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