Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Keep on believing...

Passion moves people in many ways – in work, in life, and in love. 


·      My daily messages focus on people at work,

·      What drives them and what restrains them.

·      What inspires them to do what they do.


My work was nearly all consuming – thousands of employees in a 24/7 business that most thought was larger than life. It wasn’t, but that was lost in the hype and glitz. People thought my crazy projects were equally mythical, but the truth was they were in response to real business problems that I was allowed to get creative and passionate about.  They were complex and often frustrating, but the passion pushed me beyond the difficulties, shortcomings, and failures. Having the chance to do something different that hadn’t been done before. Things that few understood and most said couldn’t be done. Big or small, these are the kinds of things people can get passionate about. Faced with one yourself: go for it. Advocated by a subordinate – support them, encourage them to do their homework, listen to see if they can define the need, and take a measure of what they’ll do to succeed. If you can feel their passion, give them the green light and the support they say they’ll need. If they won’t walk away, then neither should you. Support someone’s passion today.


Joseph Campbell (1904 – 1987): American writer whose work discusses focuses on his theory of the journey of the archetypal hero shared by world mythologies, termed the monomyth.

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