Monday, December 25, 2023

Go all in or go home...

If you’re really into something, with all your heart and soul – that’s passion. That’s good. But “pluck” is a whole different kind of swagger.





spirited and determined courage.

"it must have taken a lot of pluck to walk along a path marked “Danger”"


Similar: courage bravery nerve boldness daring resolve fearlessness passion resolution grit guts spunk gumption moxie valor determination heroism audacity mettle gutsiness spirit fortitude ballsiness


Webster defines this so well – spirited, determined, courageous, bold, and resolute. Spunk, gumption, moxie and ballsiness. Yikes! I thought my writing style was out there, but I’ve got nothing on Webster. You can be many things – smart, experienced, and skilled; but if you don’t have pluck, you probably are not going as far as you could if you had it. So, go back and read the terms that Webster says are “similar” to pluck, passion being one of them. Because that's what it's going to take. It's not enough that you’re into what you’re doing, you’ve got to be all in, all the time, eating, sleeping, thinking, and living it. As 2023 winds down and you start thinking about 2024 and resolutions, find the courage to have passion (and all those other “similar” terms) for what you’re doing. If you don’t, look at what you’re doing. Be honest. Make choices. Try not to lose money; protect your honor; but don’t lose the pluck it will take to be ready for 2024 today.


Ernest William Hornung (1866 – 1921): English author and poet known for writing the A. J. Raffles series of stories about a gentleman thief in late 19th-century London.

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