Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Set people up to succeed...

When given authority, you are responsible for ideas and solutions. Not excuses.


·      The people you report to expect competence, creativity, and results.

·      The people who report to you expect guidance, answers, and positivity.


First time managers and supervisors use to tell me that once the pride and excitement wore off, it was a much harder job than they expected. I believe that’s because many companies don’t adequately train and prepare them for what’s expected and how to perform effectively. Many new supervisors get promoted because they were good at what they were doing, and it was assumed they could supervise others to be the same. That’s unfair to everyone. Consider promotions as a work in progress – develop a plan to train them in (1) the soft skills they need and (2) how to perform the technical duties of a manager. Then appoint someone to coach them and another to mentor them. This will set them up to succeed. If you don’t do those things their performance won’t be what you and they expect, they’ll get increasingly defensive because they know they’re unprepared, and ultimately, they’ll begin making excuses rather than progress. Help your new supervisors avoid the need for excuses by giving them the training they need to be effective and successful today.


George Washington Carver (1864 – 1943): American agricultural scientist and inventor who promoted alternative crops to cotton and methods to prevent soil depletion. 

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