Thursday, December 14, 2023

Be all in on everything you do...

If you want to be good at anything, or successful at something, then you must be totally into it. And accept that you, and only you, are responsible for your actions and results.


·      You can’t do anything halfway if you want to be successful.

·      And own the good and bad along the way.


Every property I opened involved taking responsibility for making my role effective and successful – in some cases I had to do research, in others I had to be collaborative. There were times when things didn’t go as planned, and my colleagues and I had to double down and make them right – before it really affected planned outcomes or became embarrassingly evident. We had lofty goals – we wanted to be the best and learned first-hand that the price of greatness was responsibility. For planning, coordinating, being curious, listening to everyone, and continuously inspecting what was expected. We couldn’t let up or think someone else would do it. And maybe most importantly, we all agreed on the goals and the personal work and ownership it would take to achieve them. It was never easy – I missed a lot of dinners and family events, which only spurred me to plan harder and work smarter. Bottom line: success means being all in today.


Sir Winston Churchill (1874 – 1965): British statesman, soldier, and writer who was a member of Parliament for nearly 60 years and twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

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