Thursday, December 7, 2023

Be there or be square...

Ask anybody that supervises people what’s the most important thing they appreciate. Hands down, it’s dependability.


·      Being at work every day. Like clockwork.

·      Better than being the best. And being absent.


Stress the importance of dependability in the job interview and ask about what someone’s done in the past that showcases their dependability. If they’ve done the job before, you can assume they know the basics… and you probably plan to show those to them anyway. But being there, day in and day out, taking care of business; that’s what you’re really interested in. Don’t be confused – when someone calls out and you’re pulling your hair out, you’ll appreciate the importance. Of dependability. Spend your time reinforcing that – those that are always there, positive and working hard, every day, should be recognized and rewarded. Chosen for whatever is sought after. Shows that it really matters. Do that enough times and everyone will start to realize what’s important. Tell them: you don’t need to be brilliant – and not everyone is; you need to be dependable – and anyone can be that. Start with and stick with dependable today.


Roy L. Smith (1887 – 1963): American minister as well as writer who is best understood for his inspirational works and speeches.

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