Monday, November 14, 2022

Figure it out...


Business leaders look to hire self-starters. They take the initiative and follow through.


·      Do you wait for instructions

·      Or figure things out for yourself?

·      In business, we want to hire the latter

·      Because they’re serious and passionate

·      About the things they do and how they do them.


If you want self-starters, begin by asking pertinent question when interviewing them. Give them a scenario and ask how they would handle it. Then train them, teaching how and why things are done and what results are expected. And as they get started, be a coach and a cheerleader: give them the opportunity to show what they can do, coach them on how to be better, and let them know when they’ve done a good job. Self-starters are usually proud of that fact and passionate about getting a job done; so, let them know you appreciate their efforts. In many ways, this is what servant leadership is all about – a supervisory approach that fosters individual thinking and action. Help your employees to flourish and succeed today


Tom Clancy Jr. (1947 – 2013): American novelist best known for his technically detailed espionage and military-science storylines set during and after the Cold War.

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