Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Just do it...

I remember when Steve decided to build a volcano in front of the new property that would become the Mirage. Nobody was ready for that.


·      Ready or not

·      Is not just a kid’s game.

·      It’s a conscious decision 

·      Every day that we work and play.

·      You’ll never be perfectly ready to go.


So, we made calculated decisions based on all the known facts. We talked to our colleagues, planned, and prepared. Often, these things are not perfect – but remember, perfection is the enemy of progress. Our construction team reacted with “nobody’s ever built a volcano before”, and therein was the challenge. Many of the things we do haven’t been done before and that’s scary. So, they built a mockup and tested it out – it worked, so they then had the courage to keep going. And even though fire and water and steam are difficult to operate together, they got it right. The biggest problem initially was not building the thing, but not burning the 300 palm trees that were on top of the volcano (and the birds that wanted to roost there), but that’s another story. Was it perfect? No, but nothing ever is. Do your homework every day and be as prepared as you can be. Then, ready, or not, go for it. That’s how professionals’ get ready today.


Amy Poehler (born 1971): American comedian, actress, writer, producer, and director.

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