Thursday, July 21, 2022

Many hands make light work...

Today’s Quotee was (and continues to be) an inspiration. Good quotes are hard to find. But you know a good one when you read it.


·      Look around.

·      People are inspiring, 

·      And so is what they do and say.

·      Keep your eyes and ears open for them

·      And take something special away from each.


As I often say here, teamwork is the key to achievement and excellence. It doesn’t happen by itself – it needs vision and nurturing from coaches and leaders alike. Like them, you must talk about it in everything you do: Spotlight your teamwork practices in your recruiting materials, include questions and comments about it in your interviews, highlight it in orientation and onboarding, include teamwork in your every-day plans, and catch people doing teamwork right. For me, it goes back to always being told that two heads are better than one – I certainly learned that in every resort opening I participated in. For instance: Brainstorming and collaborating with colleagues, learning about what others are doing and how it’s impacted by or might impact what you are doing, and effectively combining everyone’s strengths (while supplementing their needs) are all better when done with and by a team.  This is the stuff that sporting teams and leagues promote heavily and manage exceptionally well. It produces wonderful results. It’s the stuff business leaders need to practice today


Matthew Joseph Thaddeus Stepanek (1990 – 2004), known as Mattie J.T. Stepanek, was an American poet (or, as he wanted to be remembered, "a poet, a peacemaker, and a philosopher who played") – he published seven best-selling books of poetry and peace essays. Before his death at the age of 13, he had become known as a peace advocate and motivational speaker.


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