Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Easy is a poor excuse...

That’s the way we’ve always done it is a common excuse. Easy to say; usually hard to defend.


·      It’s easy 

·      Is an excuse.

·      An effective way

·      May be harder to find.

·      Don’t settle for second best.


Our summer home is on a lake. One thing I’ve learned is that when the leaves fall off the trees they often end up in the lake, and that’s the main cause of the ‘muck’ found at the bottom of most lakes. And when the leaves become mixed with dirt and other organic debris, it can be hard to remove. Trust me, I know; I’ve tried all kinds of methods to shovel and rake it out of the water. Nothing’s worked. Until yesterday, when I hired 3 young Amish kids to help with the effort. They brought and used pitch forks, explaining that in their experience those were the best tools for the job; that, mixed with their experience with teamwork and dedication, did the trick. I’d used all kinds of methods over the years, mostly just repeating the same ones despite the fact they’d proven ineffective in the past. At that point it’s often best to search for a different and potentially better way.  When faced with a problem like this, do research, ask questions, and listen to advice. There’s always a better way – your job is to find it today.


Thomas Edison (1847-1931):  American inventor and businessman 

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