Thursday, July 7, 2022

Keep it simple...

Last night I sat in a beautiful chapel in the woods and listened to a songwriter play his music. Simple songs about simple things. 


·      The world is complicated.

·      But many songs about the world

·      Simply describe the simplest things.

·      And the simplest things are full of wonder

·      Whenever you stop to listen to what they say.


I’m an old folk singer, playing an acoustic guitar for more than 60 years. I love the simplicity of the instrument and this music genre. So, I appreciate it whenever I have a chance to listen to others sing their songs. One of those last night was titled I Found My Way Back Home, a tune about finding our roots. We each come from somewhere and our journey often takes us far from those roots: that journey fills us with ideas and experiences that shape our lives. But no matter how far we travel, our roots are deep and keep nourishing us with an ever-increasing body of knowledge and perceptions. Since that’s true for all of us, be aware that everyone you meet is filled by all the things gathered from their journey – listen carefully and you’ll learn all you need to know about them. About the things that make them who and what they are. There’s a home in each of us – remember that today.


Sir Isaac Newton (1642 – 1726): English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, alchemist, theologian, and author.

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