Thursday, July 28, 2022

Be resilient...

Unfortunately, failure is rather common. Happens to all of us. It’s not about the failure, but what you do about it.


·      Try hard.

·      Win or lose.

·      It’s all the same:

·      What you learn from both

·      Is the most important part of life.


Leaders have lots of opportunities to coach employees. When they succeed – catch them doing things right. When they miss the mark – discuss why and help them discover how to be better. Or when they don’t seem to care – discover why and what they’d like to do about it. It would be nice if the options were that clearly defined, but often there are nuances of gray – like when they give it their best shot but still come up short; that’s when you must praise them for their effort and help them learn how to be improve. This last example is probably the most common and the one that leaders should practice being the most adept at. Make sure you’re personally aware of what your employees do, create an environment that promotes and values feedback, be available to talk, be a good listener, and help them discover what they need to know. It’s all about coaching and research shows that employees appreciate that kind of interaction most. Give coaching your best shot today.


Robin Williams (1951 – 2014): American actor and comedian; known for his improvisational skills, he’s regarded as one of the greatest comedians of all time.

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