Friday, October 4, 2019

Play your part...

My birthday was yesterday and it got me thinking (again) about that issue of legacy the Rabbi talked about in his sermon earlier this week: at my age I guess that’s inevitable. I’ve tried to play my part the best I could over these so many years: while in hindsight that seems appropriate, it can also leave room for doubt. The trouble is, you can’t go back and redo the past: all you can do is learn from the things you’ve done. At this point I guess it comes down to looking at the composite and seeing if on balance it was mostly good: the little things all blend together and hopefully none of the less than perfect ones mattered.  In reality, there’s nobody else to play the role we’re given: that’s why it’s so important to learn our lines, listen carefully to direction and feedback, and continually rehearse and refine our part. In life, there are no understudies… only coaches, mentors, colleagues, family and friends – and our own sense of right and wrong -  to help us be our best. Play your part the best you can today.

Lin-Manuel Miranda (b. 1980): American composer, lyricist, rapper, singer, actor, playwright and producer

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