Thursday, October 10, 2019

Actions speak louder than words...

We often take people and things for granted: bad idea. We often treat friends like they’ll stick around no matter what: like they’ll overlook it. We often treat customers that way too: like they won’t abandon us. And we often treat employees as if we’re too busy to stop and talk to them, or help them, or let them know we care: thinking they’ll understand. Friends, customers and employees will stick with you through hard times, but that doesn’t give you a license to treat them badly: do that and you risk losing them. Friendship and loyalty is hard to get and easy to lose, and once lost, it’s doubly hard to get it back. Like many, I belong to several loyalty programs: they all begged me to join and continually tell me how much I mean to them… but after sign up, they think they have a license to treat customers and members like you and me like nothing. There’s a big difference between saying something and doing it: actions speak louder than words.  Connect you words and actions today.

Doe Zantamata is an author, artist, and photographer.

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