Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Pass it on...

For Father’s Day this year my daughter gave me something called Storyworth: every week, I get an email from them with a question from her. I write and post a response to her question and at the end of a year they bind them all up in a book for her. She knows I like to write, and this is a way to record my history and thoughts for her to have. Like me, I’m sure you had questions you wanted to ask your parents but never did, and, if they’re gone, that family history - about relatives, places where they lived, things they did, and stuff like that – is gone. Everyone has a story, or stories to tell – about their lives, their work, and things they know; telling our own stories helps create an environment where others will be less afraid to tell theirs. Throughout history, people have passed information down from one generation or group to the next. The same can be true in a corporate setting where employees talk and tell stories about the good work they do. Don’t miss the chance tell your story and get others to tell theirs today.

Gina Alexis Rodriguez (b. 1984): American actress and director

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