Friday, October 11, 2019

Have faith...

If we abandoned people and things that run into problems and dark times, there wouldn’t be much of anyone or anything left to follow. Just about everything I’ve ever done or worked on went thru bumpy times: there were uncertainties, cancellations, changes of plans, out of stock items, temporary insanities… whatever, the Murphy’s Law list is endless. That’s why planning, preparation, flexibility, and faith are so important,  and why communicating to keep everyone in the loop as the problems and changes occur is even more important.  If you want people to stick it out, to stay with you – through thick and thin (as they say) -  you have to treat them as equals, not vassals; you have to engage with them, not just work with them; you have to ask and listen, not just talk; and you have to be open: every idea is good… some are just better than others once they’re vetted. Don’t walk away when the going gets tough – that shows a lack of commitment, faith, and loyalty. Set your course and stick with it today.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892 – 1973): English writer (The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings), poet, philologist, and academic

1 comment:

  1. Wise word, a faith give that "Whatever it takes" mindset. Indeed, sometimes it becomes too hard to have that, but it really worth.

    Monk at 25


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