Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ask good questions...

We can all benefit from coaching. I was fortunate to have a boss for much of my career who was good at coaching, helping me to see things more clearly. These days I do a lot of coaching and have learned that it’s all about the person being coached. Good coaching involves asking good questions and leading others to good answers: the best coaches put their egos aside and encourage the person being coached to ‘tell me more’.  Good coaches build trust, creating a situation where the person being coached can be open, without fear of being judged. The best coaches don’t give the right answers… they pose the right questions. Effective leaders understand the different roles they have to play: sometimes they’re a supervisor – explaining what; other times they need to be an instructor – showing how; but when they coach it’s less about what and how, and more about the process of discovery. Pose the right questions to help your team discover their own answers today.  

Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908 – 2009): Belgium-born French anthropologist and ethnologist 

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