Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Be a role model...


In the war for talent, everyone’s looking for the perfect candidate. I don’t understand why people think that person’s just going to walk in the door, or that they have to wait until they find him or her. One of my old bosses used to always tell us “perfection is the enemy of progress “, a concept that seemingly takes a long time to sink in to some people. The best candidates, like the best of anything, has to be worked at, and you don’t want to be left without something or someone while that work continues. Take what you get and make him or her what you want. If you want the perfect employee: you have to engage, communicate, train, coach, mentor, observe and react… all the time. That’s why on-boarding should be a long-term process, and continuous learning is so important. So, here’s the deal (and you’ve heard me say this many times): hire for attitude and train for skills. In reality, the person you’re looking for (loyal, consistent, and somebody that won’t quit) is most often a reflection of… the one you help them to become. Be a role model today.

Unknown (b. every day): you could have said of thought this

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