Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Climb a little higher...

I keep an Excel spreadsheet that lists all the quotes I’ve used for these daily messages, and a Dropbox folder with all of the 200-word stories I’ve written about them. In checking, I saw that I used today’s quote back in May of 2009, during the second month of what has become a very long string of writing these: in fact, I’ve re-used less than 30 in all this time (mostly inadvertently). Here’s what I wrote for this quote back then:

What’s your passion?  Work, hobbies, lovers, avocations, family, friends, pets, cars, music, books, nature – these are the things that make up our lives and for each you should be totally consumed.  Why else have them if not to color your dreams and challenge your expectations?  Examine them carefully – know everything about them and treat them like treasures; question each daily to make certain they reach every nerve and fiber in you; delve into the depths of each to find the hidden wonders that excite your soul.  These are the things that bring life to living and greatness to being. They are the power of enlightenment.  Turn them on and shine!

As I look back, it’s clear that along the way I’ve become very passionate about writing these. I describe them as daily devotionals, where I take time to reflect on where I’ve been and where I’m going: a check-in on my past mis-steps and future aspirations. For me, this passion has elevated my awareness of the great things that are possible. Let your passions take you to new heights today.

Denis Diderot (1713 – 1784): French philosopher and writer

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