Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Keep your eyes wide open when making changes....


It’s not easy changing jobs: not so much because of the job you’re leaving or the one you’re going to, but mostly because of the people. Good or bad, you were familiar with the ones you’ve been with: but the people at the company you’re headed towards are mostly unknown. If you’re trying to decide whether to make a change, ask the recruiter or your potential boss what the employees there are like, how they work together, what type of programs the company has to foster work relationships, and how they’ve acclimated new employees in the past. And if you’re the one making the hiring decision, think about how the new employee might fit in and what you’ll need to do to make the transition and acclimation smooth and efficient. Change takes time, patience, clear thinking and communications, and a commitment by you to getting it right today.

Bob Sutton: Stanford Professor who studies organizations and author of “The Asshole Survival Guide”

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