Monday, November 20, 2023

Don't allow what is to obscure what could be...

7 words that kill creativity and motivation: “that’s the way we’ve always done it”.


·      Getting comfortable with something takes time.

·      People get used to what they’re doing. 

·      Then habits become hard to break.


Whenever we opened a new casino hotel, we tried to give current employees the opportunity to transfer: the intention was they would bring the seeds of our culture with them. But we also wanted them and all the others we hired from everywhere else to think outside the box and create something new. During times of change people tend to fall back on what they know and have done before, and when they’re coming from lots of different companies that can be somewhat chaotic. It’s easy to come up with new ideas; the hard part is letting go of past practices and habits. Leadership, vision, communications, training, and coaching are critical when leading a team on a journey of creativity and innovation: people love to try new things if they feel listened to, supported, and appreciated. That creates buy-in, and the rest is just good old-fashioned blocking and tackling. Allow your peeps to come up with new ideas try them today.


Roger von Oech (born 1948): American speaker, conference organizer, author, and toy-maker whose focus has been on the study of creativity.

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