Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Don't be so scary...

To be an effective leader, people must respect you, not fear you.


·      A leadership role can be intimidating.

·      Best to infuse the role with humanism.


The org chart says you’re oveDon't r others. The perception is that you have more power than them. The reality should be that you care about, listen to, understand, and help them. That’s why they respect you. But nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear. And whether we like it or not, bosses make us nervous. That’s why it’s so important to spend a portion of your day interacting with the people you supervise, getting to know them and visa versa, and building relationships that align your interests and goals. Relationships that help get you all through the tough times and share in the good ones. Think of your leadership role like it’s a conductor of a symphony – keeping everyone on the right page and at the proper tempo. Be aware of what you say and how you say it, control your body language, and remember how you felt when the roles were reversed. Be mindful of what intimidates people and seek to always put others at ease. Build respect, not fear, today.


Albert Camus (1913 – 1960): French philosopher, author, dramatist, journalist, and political activist. He was the recipient of the 1957 Nobel Prize in Literature.

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