Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Trust others as you would have them trust you...

We trust people oho are trustworthy. Meaning:


·      They believe in and live by good values.

·      They’re aware, interested, and concerned.

·      They say what they mean and mean what they say.

·      They are respectful, honest, truthful, and consistent.

·      They’re grateful, dependable, honorable, and positive.

·      They do what’s right even when it’s not personally advantageous.


These attributes are found in people that have integrity. These are what we look for in relationships, including (and maybe especially) at work. In the people we work with and those we work for. You’ll find people like this if you genuinely exhibit these attributes too. These aren’t fair-weather attributes – they are real and should be practiced all the time. They’ll be the glue that holds your relationships together – they’re based on trust and trust is based on integrity. Be the kind of person you want others to be today.


Brian Tracy (born 1944): Canadian American motivational public speaker and self-development author.

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