Friday, September 22, 2023

Be a friend to someone who needs one...

Life is an evolution of growth, interests, styles, personalities, and self.


··      Ongoing from birth until death.

·      A time of need from real friends.

·      Be that kind of friend today.


The story of finding oneself is as old as time. Each of us goes through a period where both internal and external awareness grows until a picture of who we really are starts to emerge. That period is particularly difficult because at the same time we know too little to have a truly helpful perspective. It happens primarily during adolescence, but vestiges of it continue in both early adulthood and our first forays into the world of work. Life continues as we experience more, learn more, and become more. As kids we’re often unaware (and even a little afraid) of the power of coaching and mentoring, but as we grow older, we should use them as we shed our skins (often several times) and become ourselves. Growing up in the 50s and 60s, we had comparatively far less media than what’s available today. But even with the avalanche of today’s media-based influences, nothing is as meaningful as trusted parents, relatives, and friends to help in this discovery process. It’s an opportunity to offer real help. Be on the lookout for those close to you who are seeking life’s answers – be an unbiased yet supportive hero in their lives. Help them find their own answers and purpose today.


Patricia Lee "Patti" Smith (born 1946): American singer, songwriter, poet, painter, and an influential contributor to the New York City punk rock movement.

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