Friday, September 29, 2023

Service with a smile: is there any other way...

The number one rule in life should be do the right thing. With some people, that’s apparently easier said than done.


·       It takes just as much effort to do things right as not.

·       And it is the same with good service.


Let me tell you the rest of the story about my accident and the care I received. After calling 911, I received great assistance from the responding paramedics and a comfortable and speedy ambulance ride to the local hospital. I received great attention and service from the closest trauma center: the doctors and nurses checked on me frequently, provided all appropriate information, and were very professional and concerned. Unfortunately, they didn't have the right kind of doctor and had to refer me to another trauma center 50 miles away. The second hospital had the needed medical providers, but the staff and the nurses barely communicated and treated us like we were an inconvenience. The first hospital did all the right things and did them right; the second did all the right things but really didn't do them as well as they could have. Service in any setting is so important - competence without care and concern is never as good as competence with genuine care and concern. Integrity in service includes a smile, a willing and concerned attitude, and a professional and competent approach. That's why hospitality in health care is such a winning combination today.


Don Peppers (born 1950): American advertising executive, author, customer experience expert, and keynote speaker.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Sometimes change is not an option...

We all get comfortable doing things every day – chores, work, and habits.


                But what if one day you could no longer do them the way you always had?

                You’d either have to adapt or fall behind.


Sorry that today’s message is late. That’s because instead of writing a message about teaching an old dog new tricks, today I'm living it. Yesterday I cut my left hand rather badly - I'm left-handed, so figuring out how to use my other hand is proving to be very difficult. On the one hand (no pun intended), eating with my right hand is not something that looks like it will ever get easier; but learning to use dictation on this computer is something this old dog can learn. And that just one example. Like they say:  where there’s a will, there’s a way. And since I write these motivational blogs and other work-related documents every day, adapting to this new technology is not an option. So, it's got me thinking about old dogs learning new tricks and frankly, it's probably something we all should get used to. Everything around us is changing – technology, cars, even the way we treat and manage each other, are the types of things that we must learn to adapt to. I don't know if I'll ever like dictating more than typing out the words in front of me, but it's a matter of will not want. My accidental injury we'll heal, but as for so many other things, I’ll have to either change or get left behind. That's a fact of life we must get used to it today.


George Herbert (1593 – 1633): English poet, orator, and priest of the Church of England.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Don't be confused: trust matters...

Ever been on a team with people you couldn’t trust? How’d that work out for you?


·       Trust on a team is everything.

·       Without it, there’s no team.


We often assign people to teams without doing anything to build the spirit and trust needed to make them successful. Whether onboarding new employees or assigning existing ones to group projects, take time to let them get to know and trust each other before beginning their work. Do that and the results will follow; without it the work will falter. Think about how you felt on the first day of school, work, or projects - it’s always awkward at first, but after proper time to get to know each other and what’s expected, you then forget ever feeling awkward. Find some games and exercises to help people break the ice – a little fun and laughter move that process along nicely.  And to develop the trust that’s needed to make them effective together. Make trust the centerpiece of your teams today.


Simon Oliver Sinek (born 1973): English-born American author and inspirational speaker. He is the author of five books, including Start With Why and The Infinite Game.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Trust others as you would have them trust you...

We trust people oho are trustworthy. Meaning:


·      They believe in and live by good values.

·      They’re aware, interested, and concerned.

·      They say what they mean and mean what they say.

·      They are respectful, honest, truthful, and consistent.

·      They’re grateful, dependable, honorable, and positive.

·      They do what’s right even when it’s not personally advantageous.


These attributes are found in people that have integrity. These are what we look for in relationships, including (and maybe especially) at work. In the people we work with and those we work for. You’ll find people like this if you genuinely exhibit these attributes too. These aren’t fair-weather attributes – they are real and should be practiced all the time. They’ll be the glue that holds your relationships together – they’re based on trust and trust is based on integrity. Be the kind of person you want others to be today.


Brian Tracy (born 1944): Canadian American motivational public speaker and self-development author.

Monday, September 25, 2023

How do you want to be remembered...

Starting new is a chance to reflect on the past to realize what’s really important. During these Jewish holidays, we’re asked to look at the picture we’ve painted in the past and think about what we should do in the future. Introspection is never easy. Doing that honestly is even harder. 


In life, there aren’t many do-overs, but if given the chance, we’re told to forgive and to ask for forgiveness. Since I use quotes to think about every day, here are a five more I think you should consider today:


·       Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.” Paul Lewis Boese

·       “It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend or loved one.” William Blake

·       “It takes a strong person to say sorry and an even stronger one to forgive.” Unknown

·       “If you can’t forgive and forget, pick one.” Robert Brault

·       “To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.” Robert Muller


Take a moment to consider how you want to be inscribed in the book of life today.


Sam Roy “Sammy” Hagar (born 1947): American singer, songwriter, and guitarist.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Be a friend to someone who needs one...

Life is an evolution of growth, interests, styles, personalities, and self.


··      Ongoing from birth until death.

·      A time of need from real friends.

·      Be that kind of friend today.


The story of finding oneself is as old as time. Each of us goes through a period where both internal and external awareness grows until a picture of who we really are starts to emerge. That period is particularly difficult because at the same time we know too little to have a truly helpful perspective. It happens primarily during adolescence, but vestiges of it continue in both early adulthood and our first forays into the world of work. Life continues as we experience more, learn more, and become more. As kids we’re often unaware (and even a little afraid) of the power of coaching and mentoring, but as we grow older, we should use them as we shed our skins (often several times) and become ourselves. Growing up in the 50s and 60s, we had comparatively far less media than what’s available today. But even with the avalanche of today’s media-based influences, nothing is as meaningful as trusted parents, relatives, and friends to help in this discovery process. It’s an opportunity to offer real help. Be on the lookout for those close to you who are seeking life’s answers – be an unbiased yet supportive hero in their lives. Help them find their own answers and purpose today.


Patricia Lee "Patti" Smith (born 1946): American singer, songwriter, poet, painter, and an influential contributor to the New York City punk rock movement.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Let your best shine through in everything you do...

Be the best you can be. That’s all anyone, you included, can ask. 


·      Set your goals and set your standards.

·      Do what it takes to meet both.

·      And stick to them.


Be your best self when you go to work. Meaning: be there and be on time. And even though some people won’t care if it’s your best or not, stick to your guns. Assess each situation, be curious, ask good questions, and make certain you know what’s needed. Seek clarity and be clear. Then give it your best. If something needs to be discussed further or clarified more, and others don’t want to address it –point out why it needs to be discussed, offer suggestions, point out pros and cons, and insure it is clear. That’s letting your professionalism and politeness shine through what might otherwise be a difficult conversation. Act like you own it. All you can be is you and striving to be your best in every situation reflects well on you. Like you care. Don’t do anything less and don’t settle for anything less today.


Tyra Banks (born 1973): American television personality, model, producer, writer, and actress.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Conquer your fear and uncertainty, then conquer your goals...

We all face challenges and obstacles, some of our own making.


·      Some obstacles seem insurmountable.

·      Seek help to see if they can be addressed.

·      Then find the will within to overcome them.


I have faced challenges – like the opening of my first casino resort; and I have faced obstacles – like the paralyzing self-doubt that comes with personal uncertainty. I used to think someone, or something should be there to help me, but outside assistance isn’t enough without the personal will to persevere and overcome. When faced with formidable obstacles like these, I had to look and reach deep within myself to determine if I even wanted to try. Because without that kind of self-motivation, nothing can help. It’s not fair to others to ask of them for something you can’t ask of yourself. If you’re lacking the will – look within. If you’re lacking the knowledge – seek subject experts. If you’re lacking the courage – find a coach or mentor to help you discover it. If you’re still scared – find strength from working with others. Put your obstacles aside and then put your mind to solving your problem or reaching your goal. I know from personal experience this is easier said than done; but I also know that you can overcome anything you really put your mind to today.


Edmund Hillary (1919-2008): New Zealand mountaineer, explorer, and philanthropist. Hillary and Sherpa mountaineer Tenzing Norgay became the first climbers to reach the summit of Mount Everest.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Do right by your employees and they'll do right by you...

Competence and confidence are the two halves of a highly functioning employee.


·      Competence is one’s ability to do things.

·      Confidence comes from knowing they can.


A leaders most important responsibility is making sure his or her employees are effective… meaning they are both competent and confident. Competence comes from providing the training to help them perform as expected – don’t leave this up to chance, explain to your new hires what is expected and why, show them how, and make sure they know the results that are expected. Confidence comes from giving them the opportunity to practice – catch and acknowledge them doing things right and coach them when and where improvement is needed. And when they know what they’re doing, give them the trust and respect they deserve by treating them like valued team members. Check in with them often, ask how they’re doing, and keep them in the loop on the things they need to know. They’ll take their authority and responsibilities seriously and their attitude and performance will reflect that. Their skills and confidence will serve your business well and, if you’re lucky, they’ll show you how and where improvements may be possible. Competent and confident employees are the foundation of every successful business and  help it conquer every challenge. Make your employees competent and confident today.


George Herbert (1593 – 1633): English poet, orator, and priest of the Church of England. 

Never lose your passion for making things better...

I  was happy working at Wynn because I was encouraged to look for projects that got my creativity going. I had lunch this week with someone ...