Thursday, August 31, 2023

Start off right...

Employers look for employees who aspire to achieving today’s quote: people they hope will become well-rounded and productive professionals. 


·      Curiosity leads to discoveries.

·      Discoveries lead to learning.

·      Learning leads to professionalism.


When I first started in the gaming industry, I had to learn a lot about many things – in that, I wasn’t much different from other new hires. People who start new jobs must learn about the job itself while also gaining familiarity with a company’s history, the people they work with, the customer’s expectations, and the culture of their new workplace. And in this, there are competing demands – the need for workers on the floor and the need to have them trained before they do so. Companies must spend the right amount of time and money to produce competence and productivity as quickly as possible. That takes a good plan, dedicated people, a reasonable schedule, and a proper budget. Resist the urge to get new employees working before they’ve competent and confident enough to meet performance standards and expectations. And make sure the people training your new employees are knowledgeable and capable enough to teach them something about everything and everything about something. Your business and your customers deserve that. Train new hires the right way today.


Thomas Henry Huxley (1825–1895): English biologist and anthropologist who became known for his advocacy of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

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