Friday, August 25, 2023

Take pride in everything you do...

Every baseball player tries to hit a home run each time they are up to bat. Even if they don’t,  they are proud to get a hit and get on base.


·      It’s good to dream about big successes.

·      But it’s also great to accomplish anything.


When I was younger, I wanted to run my own company. Lots of responsibility, and even more accountability.  But I learned quickly that treating any job like you owned the company was the best way to approach work. And understanding how what you do supports the success of a company gives you the perspective of any senior leader. Doing everything as if the success of the company depended upon it. And in fact, most of what everyone who works for a company does fits into its overall operational and financial patchwork. And contributes to the overall results. It’s good to have career dreams and it’s just as good to have dreams about being effective at everything – big and small, that you do. Every day. Treat it like it’s yours. Like your success really matters to the company’s success. Like everything is a great and noble effort. Take that kind of pride in your work today.


Helen Keller (1880 – 1968): American author, disability rights advocate, political activist, and lecturer who became the first deafblind person in the United States to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

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