Monday, August 28, 2023

Pursue new ideas...

It’s hard to know what the future holds. But what you do today can shape the events of tomorrow.


Doing the same old things produces the same old results.

Being curious and trying new things can produce new outcomes.


Some people go to work each day without any thought of the future – they have duties and tasks to perform and that’s what they do. But did you ever wish something different would happen? Many people do but then they don’t follow through on those dreams. After the Mirage opened, I wanted to find a better way to handle large volumes of paper applications – but everyone I asked said there weren’t many different options.  None of us could see into the future of the very rudimentary computer systems that existed at that time. But I kept asking questions and suggesting different ideas, most of which were considered outlandish. Looking back, I believe my persistence helped enable the development of paperless systems. If you have new and different ideas, keep working at them until they either are proven wrong or eventually spur new developments to occur. You never know when your expertise and ideas might result in something new and better. Your ideas might help enable the future today.


Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry (1900 – 1944): French writer (The Little Prince), poet, journalist, and pioneering aviator. 

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