Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Make the most of today...

Every day is as we make it, by the things we control. Like our actions and our attitudes. 


It’s just as easy to be positive as it is to be negative.

Find a way to be positive at the start of every day.


I once knew person who walked the same route when arriving at work each day. The shortest route. Not the one that passed by many employees. Then spent most of each morning getting things done, in the office. Lunch with a few colleagues. Then spent time walking around to see how things were doing. By that time everyone was into whatever the day had become. Just think if that same person had spent time on the way in to say hi to as many employees as possible, smiling, chit chatting, and spreading greatful and optimistic thoughts. Then went to their office. The first leaves the day to chance; the second has a high potential for affecting the quality of the day. That’s a higher purpose. We all have work time; the challenge is using some of that time to spread the attitude you want your culture to reflect. You can do that. Make time to affect the quality of the day today.


Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862): American naturalist, author (Walden), essayist (Civil Disobedience), poet, philosopher, and a leading transcendentalist.

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