Monday, August 21, 2023

Do the right thing...

Doing only things you’re proud of is a high bar. That’s like batting 1000.


So many things happen every day.

Slow down and focus on each one.


If you’re like me, your life is a whirlwind – things always happening, dealing with most is by instinct. It’s good to take a deep breath between each and use that time to get focused and in the moment. Even though many things look repetitious, different people and different times can make any one of them unique. Some things really are like turning a light on and off, but don’t get lulled into thinking they all are. Be aware of your surroundings and decide what’s the right thing to do – that’s not always so obvious, so slow down, focus, confirm the right thing, and act accordingly. But – more often that we like to admit, what you do may miss the mark. Stop, apologize, then make or do it right. This isn’t like baseball (and its elusive batting percentages) – here, you can redo or make up for missing your mark. Focus on doing the kinds of things that you’re proud of – it may be a stretch at times, but it’s usually worth it. You’ll feel better (and like yourself) when you do. Be happy and proud today.


Mark Lewis (born 1950-something): Business leader, executive coach, and inspirational speaker.

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